(excluding GST)
(excluding GST)
FM Flaked Ice
Hoshizaki premium dry flakes cool more quickly than other forms of ice, making them very popular with supermarkets, bars, catering and health care sectors
The internal auger design produces the highest quality ice with fewer repairs. The unitized motor and gear train that drives the internal auger is sealed against moisture for dependability.
- Hoshizaki ice makers are micro computer controlled, controlling the ice making process to perform at its best under varying circumstances, without having to make physical adjustments.
- The characteristics of the ice produced by Hoshizaki ice makers means that ‘freeze-burn’ is no longer an issue when displaying fresh fish or produce.
- Quality stainless steel auger and evaporator increase the life expectancy of these components and the whole ice maker, as well as reducing costly maintenance visits.
- An easily cleanable air filter allows end users to carry out a routine cleaning schedule, extending product life expectancy and reducing the frequency and costs of maintenance call-outs.
- Due to the auger system the water consumption is equal to the ice production.
The characteristics of the ice produced by Hoshizaki ice makers means that ‘freeze-burn’ is no longer an issue when displaying fresh fish or produce.
Carbon Auger bearings are used within this range and they are far more robust than roller bearings, enhancing product life expectancy and also reducing maintenance costs.
HOSHIZAKI is the name that represents quality commercial kitchen equipment.
We specialize in ice machines and refrigeration products around the world.