What is Laertes’ request and Claudius’ response? This is the beginning of a lengthy soliloquy on the matter that moves the royal couple to … To Gertrude, it must seem she has gained a second husband and retained her throne at the cost of losing her son to insanity and to exile from Denmark. She agrees not to divulge that Hamlet is ‘mad in craft’ (3.4.177) and not in fact: Be thou assured, if words be made of breath, And breath of life, I have no … Maybe this is because it is so difficult to comprehend a wife and mother to so easily drop her first husbands death and her loyalty to her son. Hamlet’s unexpected return to Denmark creates for Claudius the need to dispose of his troublesome nephew a … In the next scene, Polonius visits Claudius and Gertrude, telling them, "Your noble son is mad: Mad call I it; for, to define true madness, What is't but to be nothing else but mad?" Would you cry, fight, tear yourself apart. I think what is worst is he texts me goodnight and makes me feel sorry for him because he drinks and works all day and night. Whenever we are expecting something positive we tend to think more and more about it. King Claudius moved in at a time where Hamlet’s mother was in a vulnerability state. Hamlet. Meanwhile the peak marriageable age (20-25) comes and goes. Think of the typical “stage mother” that lives her life through her daughter’s accomplishments, which are both demanded and expected. Through her relationship with her son Hamlet, Shakespeare paints a picture of betrayal. Gertrude is shallow, and thinks only about her body and external pleasures. 814) His marriage to Gertrude. 2639) He sends them to Norway to talk to the son Fortinbras’ uncle to get him to stophis nephew’s plans of war. We live separate. Gertrude is utterly convinced now that her son is hallucinating from a devil-inspired madness, but Hamlet tells her that it is not madness that afflicts him. It could be a way for her to attempt to save her son, or she might very well be taking the different way out of the plot, following Ophelia into suicide. Polonius plans to hide in order to eavesdrop on Gertrude’s confrontation with her son, in the hope that doing so will enable him to determine the cause of Hamlet’s bizarre and threatening behavior. Crazy women are great in bed. Even Gertrude, who is supposedly like a mother to her, seems to be preoccupied with Hamlet and her hot new marriage with Claudius. Claudius. Come on, show me what you'd do. Her request for pardon is for Claudius, her lover, her husband, and possibly even her accomplice, knowing full well that no such pardon will be waiting for her in heaven. Hamlet is beating up on her despite his earlier promise to his father; however, there would, I think… Why does Claudius send Cornelius and Voltimand to Norway? The final answer and one of the biggest reasons men go for crazy women is they are great in bed! “Lord, we … Gertrude said this to herself and it means that guilt makes you feel stupid suspicions that you make yourself go crazy when you are trying not to. Criminal, prostitute, bootlegger of booze and mother to a child she can never seem to find. Claudius reaction has, as Hamlet anticipated, “caught the conscience of the king.” Gertrude, upset with her son for angering her husband, has requested Hamlet come to her bedchamber so she might speak with him. He insults her makeup and calls her two-faced. Hamlet’s mad, Laertes. In this play, Shakespeare uses a woman called Gertrude, who is among the few women featured in the masterwork. Sometimes, we even say crazy with a positive connotation: "Dan, you’ll love her. In the play Hamlet, Gertrude's super quick remarriage to her husband's potentially murderous brother after her husband's death is what makes Hamlet so deeply crazy. JOURNAL ENTRIES FOR HAMLET 2 Act 1 Journal Entry I think that the relationship between Hamlet, Queen Gertrude and King Claudius is compared to the cliché contemporary day family with a “step” figure in it. Gertrude is first seen in Act 1 Scene 2 as she tries to cheer Hamlet over the loss of his father, begging him to stay at home rather than going back to school in Wittenberg.Her worry over him continues into the second act, as she sides with King Claudius in sending Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to raise the spirits of her son. I think sex has a lot to do with it. He also tells her to go to a nunnery and calls her a liar and the reasons for his problems. Do you think Gertrude is telling the truth when she says Hamlet "weeps for what is done", or is she again trying to soften Hamlet's offense? He loves his son. It does seem to me that having Gertrude see the Ghost somehow changes the story. he keeps asking her if she can see it and gets crazy eyes and she starts to think he's gonna kill her. So when you love someone, insane amounts of positive expectancy starts in our mind. We have a bad past. Laertes / l eɪ ˈ ɜːr t iː z / is a character in William Shakespeare's play Hamlet.Laertes is the son of Polonius and the brother of Ophelia.In the final scene, he mortally wounds Hamlet with a poisoned sword to avenge the deaths of his father and sister, for which he blamed Hamlet. Hamlet. Gertrude [To Claudius] For God’s sake, give him a break. My son, why are you fighting? Sometimes I feel as thought Ophelia is the most tragic character. I think she said this because she was thinking about Ophelia and how she mad herself go crazy over her father’s death. 5. gertrude can't see the ghost so when hamlet starts talking to it, she thinks he's pretty crazy. I think that his actions are still motivated by his father's death and his mother's remarriage. He begs her to confess her guilt to him and to heaven. Perhaps Gertrude is speaking metaphorically? Rarely do guys ask their friends to explain further. Role in the play. 4. Despite being overwrought Gertrude is able to muster her resolve and come to the aid of her son. What does Gertrude think is the reason for hamlet's odd behavior? [To Laertes] What would you do for her? but the ghost tells hamlet not to harm his mother and to let heaven dish out the justice. I always make excuses for him and I can do better. I want him in my son life I just can’t understand why it has to be like this. She may be moved more by her emotions than logic. Hamlet then asks Gertrude to convince the king that he is mad. We know Hamlet is remorseful (see 3.4.170-174 and 5.2.215-224). People say get him on Child support. Polonius, hearing Gertrude’s cries, also calls out.Hamlet, angered at being spied upon, draws his sword, sticks it through the tapestry, and kills Polonius, who slinks to the ground and calls out that he has been slain. Since she goes along with this, we can assume that it is more likely that, by the end of this scene, Gertrude does not think Hamlet is mad. At the very least, he begs her, don't sleep with Claudius or let … Gertrude is, more so than any other character in the play, the antithesis of her son, Hamlet. Later, Gertrude does what Hamlet asks and tells Claudius that Hamlet is mad. Gertrude adores her son Hamlet, not only from the report of others (in Act 4, Scene 7, Claudius says she 'lives almost by his looks'), but from her spontaneous, affectionate interactions with him. Because they get attention from all men, women become prideful. What news does King Claudius announce at the opening of Scene 2 (ll. Hamlet is a scholar and a philosopher, searching for life's most elusive answers. Origin of The Lady Doth Protest Too Much. Forty thousand brothers’ love couldn’t add up to mine. Combative mother type: Let’s not forget the combative mother type. 5. Gertrude tries to leave, but Hamlet begs her to stay. Irene encounters her when she goes to Clare’s for tea. She’s crazy — just your type." He is still acting pretty crazy, but I still think … "I doubt it is no other than the main: his father's death and our o'erhasty marriage." Having her see Ophelia commit suicide early, I think, opens the possibility for Gertrude's "suicide" later on; it's possible to play the whole fencing scene with Gertrude KNOWING that Claudius has poisoned the wine, and so she toasts Hamlet to warn her son before giving up the ghost herself. In Gertrude’s chamber, the queen and Polonius wait for Hamlet’s arrival. But that’s all subtext. Gertrude. You do not need to nor should you tolerate verbal or physical abuse (nor should your adult child). show he does not believe her? Queen Gertrude, Hamlet’s mother says this popular phrase when watching the play, The Mousetrap, staged within William Shakespeare’s Hamlet.In Act -III, Scene-II of the play, Queen Gertrude says, when speaking to her son, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” I think that the most difficult thing about Gertrude is that we want to like her, and we attempt to find reasons to like her. (ll. Towards their late 20’s, guys are more than happy to sleep with the woman, but not to marry them.