Oligomenorrhea is a medical condition which is caused by certain factors like stress,excessive loss of weight or either gain in weight. 8. Tab registrone 1 tab thrice daily till you want to defer your periods. ...  Often a day with no stress can induce your period. U can wait for another 4 to 5 days..they vl come till then. Medroxyprogesterone may control your condition but will not cure it. 165 Views This medication may be prescribed for other uses; ask your doctor or pharmacist for more information. Take Tablet Regestrone 5mg three a day for as long as you don’t want to get your periods. Duplication for commercial use must be authorized by ASHP. We generally give medicines to get withdrawal bleeding for 5 days. Read More, Asked for Female, 23 Years My age is 23. Ask your pharmacist any questions you have about refilling your prescription. Suggest some medicine. Please suggest me medicine to get periods 3-4 days early than expected date..I need to go for vacation for 7 days and it has my periods date. Last period was on 30th May. When is your last menstruation period.If cycle is regular then First and last 7days are safe so you calculate the day of sex and decide what to do other wise take the help of gynecologist. Consume this daily in the morning empty stomach for fast results. pls help me . Regestrone has side-effects like bloating, head nausea dizziness weight gain... I have regular periods. Sesame Seeds and Jaggery. They don’t mess with your hormones, so they’re safe. Disclaimer : The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. My sister motion pass is not clear. It is usually taken once a day on certain days of a regular monthly cycle. I have my wed. How to get my period immediately ? I want to get my periods immediately. Take medroxyprogesterone exactly as directed. In olden days, when birth control pills were not available, people tried herbal remedies to induce menstruation. v, There is no such medicine It's been more than one and half month I didn't had my periods. 193 Views Medroxyprogesterone is also used to prevent overgrowth of the lining of the uterus (womb) and may decrease the risk of cancer of the uterus in patients who are taking estrogen. v, If u are married, please check yourself for pregnancy. Read More, Asked for Female, 30 Years if you are having surgery, including dental surgery, tell the doctor or dentist that you are taking medroxyprogesterone. That should help v, When is your last menstruation period.If cycle is regular then First and last 7days are safe so you calculate the day of sex and decide what to do other wise take the help of gynecologist. Menstruation can be … An irregular period, medically known as oligomenorrhea, is a common problem among women. How to Get Periods Immediately - The Best Way to Start Your Periods Early. Can you tell me what is the medicine to stop the periods immediately? Call your doctor if you have any unusual problems while taking this medication. Contraceptive pills are recommended by doctors but the best way is to rely on natural herbal recipes.How to induce period immediately? Carom seeds (Ajwain): A mixture of jaggery and carom seeds will induce periods and also relieve period cramps. ...  Continue all its for you to help in conceiving. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition. I need complete details regarding ur menes pattern and last menes date so I can help you. Pls take care till t ...  Although periods can be a pain, more harm than good can come from having irregular menstrual cycles. How to Induce a Period. Do not take more or less of it or take it more often than prescribed by your doctor. Here’s are a natural remedies that you cna try. Follow the directions on your prescription label carefully, and ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain any part you do not understand. All Rights Reserved. There’s also no guaranteed way to induce a period immediately for those who have begun their periods. Yesterday I checked with pregnancy kit an. v, Take Tablet Regestrone 5mg three a day for as long as you don’t want to get your periods. Don't panic! Unripe and semi-ripe papayas are known for triggering uterine contractions that can help you get your periods immediately. Everyday her motion pass is maximum 50% clear. ...  If you have not tried completely for one year try for one year dear even after that if no success we will investigate further. Hi. 1117 Views Read More, Asked for Female, 28 Years ...  Fennel Seeds (Saunf): Fennel seeds can be boiled in water to make tea which can be consumed in empty stomach every morning. PCOS is due to hormonal imbalance. Pls take care till t, Take trapic m f one tablet 8 hourly to stop bleeding As all your reports are normal no need to worry. She eats less food becaus. Cinnamon comes in handy when a woman is trying to induce periods fast, or regulate her cycle. Vitamin C if taken in high quantity has the capability to cause an urge for progesterone which further results in crashing the uterine wall cells thereby leading to periods. ...  Is it the time of the month but your body doesn't seem to know it yet? Read More, Asked for Female, 22 Years ...  35938 Views 0. I need complete details regarding ur menes pattern and last menes date so I can help you. yet to get my periods since september 2015, now how do i induce or bring it fast so to go for hsg test? Duphaston twice a day , These herbs are also called emmenagogues. Some people believe that vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, can induce your period. ...  So suggest medicine to get periods within an hour. 9 Exercises To Get Periods Early 1. Estrogen thickens the lining of the uterus causing the uterus to contract, helping to induce periods. Medicine to get periods immediately Disclaimer : The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. According to experts conversant with traditional Chinese medicine, Cinnamon has a warming effect on the human body. Thnxs for your question Radhika. MD. If you become pregnant while taking medroxyprogesterone, call your doctor immediately. 288 Views Or should I stop these medicine or continue ???????? Just try conceiving you Please suggest me. 307 Views This includes inducing periods.Engaging in sex can trigger your period in more than one way. 3. How get missed period fast and medicine ,for irregular period for PCOS problem how get pregnant in irregular period, My periods are been delayed by 15 days which medication should be taken to get periods immediately please suggest, Hi Doctor, However, you should not flush this medication down the toilet. 212486 Views How To Induce Your Period Overnight. They will definitely bring the periods if you are not preg . ...  Lower body workouts are great ways of inducing your period. v, U can wait for another 4 to 5 days..they vl come till then. Please suggest. ...  The question asked on this page is a free question. Now I want to delay it for seven days. A mixture of jaggery and carom seeds induces the period but also helps in menstrual cramps. 273 Views