Laius received an oracle from Delphi which told him that he … Diogenes Laëritius, a biographer of Greek philosophers, claims that Chrysippus died at the age of 73 from a severe laughing fit. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Laius and Chrysippus run away together (or Laius rapes Chrysippus). Laius fell in love with Chrysippus and abducted Chrysippus, while teaching Chrysippus how to ride a chariot during the Nemean Games. With the help of loyal subjects Laius fled Thebes to save his life, and sought refuge in Pisa. He died in the 143 rd Olympiad at the age of seventy-three (living c. 280-207 B.C.E.). At the end of the week, having not seen Chrysippus again, Oedipus formulated a plan to see him again. According to legend, the life of Chrysippus of Soli ended in a rather peculiar way. Laius 1 's father Labdacus 1 came to the throne of Thebes after Pentheus 1, the king whom the MAENADS destroyed for having opposed the god of the vine Dionysus 2.Labdacus 1 nurtured the same narrow ideas about law and order as Pentheus 1, and therefore suffered a similar death. Laius and Jocasta remained childless for many years. According to some sources, mostly belonging to the Christian era, Laius abducted and raped the king's son, Chrysippus, and carried him off to Thebes while teaching him how to drive a chariot, or as Hyginus records it, during the Nemean games. Chrysippus In Greek mythology, Chrysippus was described as the son of Pelops, the king of Pisa and the nymph Axioche. ( Log Out /  It was said that Laius would then fall … Also, the reason I listen to musical recordings is to be told a story by singing people–so as long as the opera is in English, what is the real difference? This was the curse that his son (Oedipus) would kill him and marry his wife. There were some Thebans who wished for the line of Cadmus to … Some Thebans, wishing to see the line of Cadmus continue, smuggled Laius out of the city before their attack, in which they killed Lycus and took the throne. Laius was welcomed by Pelops, king of Pisa in the Peloponnesus. Chrysippus was a fair-looking boy. Laius is responsible for everything that happened to Thebes because of how he behaved prior to being crowned King of Thebes. For this transgression of the laws of hospitality, Pelops invoked a curse on Laius and his family. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. He married Jocasta and fathered Oedipus by her. Euripides. After the rape of Chrysippus, Laius married Jocasta or Epicasta, the daughter of Menoeceus, a descendant of the Spartoi. When those cousins die, Laius claims the Theban throne, but he retains Chrysippus … Chrysippus was born in Soli, near what is today known as Mersin, Turkey. To avoid banishment, Hippodameia committed suicide. Laius 1 was king of Thebes.For ignoring a Delphic oracle he was killed by his own son. In trying to escape Laius, Chrysippus fell or jumped from the top of a hill and was killed. The play was given in the same trilogy that included The Phoenician Women. 1 Mythology 1.1 Abduction of Chrysippus 1.2 Death 1.3 Descendants When Laiuswas young, Amphion and Zethus usurped the throne of Thebes. Chrysippus was kidnapped by the Theban Laius, his tutor, who was escorting him to the Nemean Games, where the boy planned to compete. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Now some ancient writers claim that Atreus did kill Chrysippus, whilst others say he refused, and so instead Hippodamia did the deed, and tried to blame Laius for the killing of Pelops favoured sons. Chrysippus soon killed himself to escape his shame. Laius received an oracle from Delphi which told him that he must not have a child, or the child would kill him and marry his wife; in another version, recorded by Aeschylus, Laius is warned that he can only save the city if he dies childless. When king Laius of Thebes was still young, his cousins, Amphion and Zethus usurped the throne of Thebes. et Rom. According to some sources, Laius abducted and raped the king's son, Chrysippus, and carried him off to Thebes while teaching him how to drive a chariot… Instead, Laius ran away with him to Thebes and raped him, a crime for which he, his city, and his family were later punished by the gods. ~0~ Some Thebans, wishing to see the line of Cadmus continue, smuggled Laius out of the city before their attack, in which they killed Lycus and took the throne. Laius abducted and raped the king's son, Chrysippus, and carried him off to Thebes while teaching him how to drive a chariot, or as Hyginus records it, during the Nemean games. Abduction of Chrysippus. Laius, the king of Thebes, was in exile and lived at Peloponnesus. Login with Gmail. When Laius’s son Oedipus was born, Laius ordered him killed on Mount Cithaeron. Labdacus passed away while Laius was still young, and regency was given to the evil Lycus. With both Amphion and Zethus having died in his absence, Laius became king of Thebes upon his return. Read Wikipedia in Modernized UI. When Amphion and Zethus died, Laius was free to return to Thebes as its rightful ruler. Okay, Laius & Chrysippus (music by Sam Be lich; lyrics by Sam Belich and Sam H. Shirakawa) is not really a musical, it is an opera. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window). Clearly what Chrysippus defines as kakos is the kind of boy who would submit to the sexual wishes of a suitor like Laius; better to be ugly than such a kalos kakos. To avoid the anger of Hermes, Pelops built a temple of Hermes. Diogenes Laertius, in his Lives of the Philosophers, reports that before becoming a student of Cleanthes, Chrysippus used to practice as a long-distance runner (287 B.C.E.). Some sources say that Laius abducted and raped Chrysippus, son of King Pelops. Instead, Laius ran away with him to Thebes and raped him, a crime for which he, his city, and his family were later punished by the gods. In Greek mythology, King Laius, or Laios of Thebes was a divine hero and key personage in the Theban founding myth. Labdacus died when Laius was young and so Laius was raised by Lycus. Parall. We are overdue for a review, and it is what I am listening to right now. ə s / ), or Laios ( Greek : Λάϊος ) of Thebes was a divine hero and key personage in the Theban Laius fell in love with Chrysippus as he first arrived at Pisa, and carried him off after failing to seduce him; Pelops lamented his son’s abduction and cursed Laius, praying he should remain childless or be killed by his own son (Hypoth.