And now i know why the miso manufacturers use heavy weights on the lid...because there is gas produced which will shove the stuff higher and higher just like rising dough and if you are not prepared it will greet you in the morning from the top of the board. Pre-heat the oven to 175°C/250°F. My liquidiser seized (!) ©2003 - One of my new favourites is using it as a sushi base. I am wanting to make okara miso patê and I am making my soymilk without the use of a soy milk maker so the okara doesnt get cooked at all. I then took the okara and dehydrated it in my food dehydrator for about an hour on highest setting as conserving protein is not affected by the heat (as are vitamins when drying herbs and veggies). This is the concluding article of my 3-part series on Milking The Soy Bean. The texture of the fresh okara looks a little bit like fine cous cous or amaranth - is this an accurate description of its consistency? The oil should be at least 3 inches deep. I like to use about 2Tbsp of fresh okara in denser 3-4 person pancake recipes for fluffy pancakes. Cut it into 1 inch cubes. Peel the beans’ skins off. I found that rinsing it and changing it's storage water often helped reduce that taste. It is believed that other ingredients, if added too early, reduce the ability of the ground beans particles to stick together. I suppose that's a good thing. You can also ferment Okara with a Tempeh starter. Traditionally with making the paste of Akara you are advised to grind the beans with a little water because you need the bean paste to be really thick in order to get the traditional akara ball-shape. When toasted okara is mixed into a batter or bread dough it does seem to be better. Have you considered making Hummus with the Okara ? hehe also i think itd make a good mask and scrub binding material with honey oats and egg white @_@. Thank you for your interesting article.The use of Okara is very interesting and inspireing. there's also a recipe on the net ( It's so good for you that it has all the star power, I think, to become a Trendy Nutritious Food with claims that it can cure all human illnesses. I make it this morning with your method. peace, love, make a regular batch of granola with oats, a sweetener (honey, syrup, molasses etc. I … soy milk, tofu, If you enjoyed this article, please consider becoming my patron via Patreon. I think (again, not knowing ANYTHING about soy beans) that you could use them in the following: Chili Be sure the okara is totally soft and smooth before you use it. I actually find dried okara pleasantly crunchy to eat on its own, or even better, with yoghurt and fruit. I presently order 1.5 liters of Soya milk from the Soya Man here in Las Pinas, Philippines, every other day, but I am thinking of making my own. ... Once it is dried, mill it with a heavy mill and preserve it in a clean dry airtight container. Happy cooking, i think Okara is in it and want to make my own for candles and balms but am not sure. i was told that apog or lime will do but do not know the proportion. I will make it every day. 1 t. salt Having just gotten into soy milk making, and being the creative guy I am with remains, I instantly think of a quick portable snack. I mix greens, oatmeal, granola, or grits into okara and the chickens eat it. Thanks so much! ^_^, Very interesting post! Grind the beans with your blender making sure you add as little water as possible. if so how can i cook the fresh okara to use immediately for patê? When it's fresh, having been squeezed of all its milk, it has a rather interesting texture, but unlike creamy tofu, it's not something that you can just eat as-is. Tom you can try adding a bit of sugar to give the bacillus subtilis a good boost. I liked the okara best in doughnuts (okara and whole wheat flour) but have to warn anyone who tries it, that's a lot of fiber and if you eat too many it's like a very long bristle brush working through your digestive system. lots of flavor. Your articles on Milking the Soy Bean were wonderful. I will definitely have to try that Paul...I can't seem to get matzo meal here in Zurich so easily (well..not at all so far, though I'm sure it must be sold somewhere since there is a Jewish community here) and I just love matzo ball soup. My mum makes carrot cake with the squeezed out fibres whenever we make carrot juice too! (I don't know what the u part is, but hana means flower, so it's the u-flower.) Thanks Smoothen the mix with mortar and pestle before frying. In Part 1, I described how to make soy milk with no special equipment, and in Part 2 I showed how to make tofu. Hope that helps! The texture is really not like amaranth or couscous at all. I also love to eat okara for breakfast. To peel the beans by … Ohhhh, I haven't had soysage in years, but I do remember it being very good & you can flavor it lots of different ways, depending on what you use for spices. 2. So you can understand me very well. I made my first batch of soy milk this morning, and am cooking the crackers from the okara right now. One thing though, I'm about to try the banana bread recipe with the okara, you said that 175 C is 250 F. It's 350 F (which is a pretty normal baking temp). Made from durable, rigid fiberglass, the Fin is great for shallow water fishing as well as depths of over 20 ft! after that i dip the whole thing in tempura batter and deep fry. Turn once or twice in between for even browning. That coats them with ww flour and makes them nice and thin. It’s good to press down the Akara balls a little bit just to get rid of any excess oil that might have been absorbed during the frying process. It works just as well and you will notice no taste difference. Also, I think I've read elsewhere that fermented soy products are more nutritious than the unfermented, but I think that was in reference to miso, and I don't know if the type of starter (microbe) used changes that. Drop heaping tablespoons of fritter batter into the hot oil, frying a couple at a time to avoid overcrowding. Your page(s) and steps so well written and I do so appreciate your efforts. ), I stumbled across a website that offers okara recipes: brilliant site - i'll definitely be back to follow your instructions once i've tracked down some nigari. who knows. Then tightly roll the sushi using the sushi mat. Okara is a nutritional powerhouse, containing soluble and non-soluble fiber, protein, calcium and other minerals. Thanks! thanks for all the helpful hints! I've just got a soya milk making machine, and have started making soya milk every day. I try not to squeeze too much milk out of it before sending it off to fridge, so it stays moist and crumbly. But it's supposed to make the konnyaku flour firm. They seem to fluff normal pancakes overly much, unfortunately, though some people might like that if they're interested in doughy fluffballs for breakfast. 1 teaspoon thyme. I've given a couple of tablespoons of uncooked okara to out 2 rabbits at home. Acarajé big and large, split in the middle and filled … Last night I made my first soy milk. I have read so many things on the net... some are outright contradictions to the very next article or video. Put them on a cookie sheet and they can slightly overlap. I have seen this many times in the grocery store as a side salad. var sc_text=2; Copyright © 2021. Now I have an idea: I'm going to stop filtering the soya milk, and simply drink it up, okara and all. It worked. halfway through the last batch of preparing for the tofu, which left about a third cup of beans whole. Doing all of these myself will definitely be healthier and will help my budget. This will be like the yeast making the dough rise in Puff Puff or what folding does to cake batter. For some reason the okara looks to me like its make good breadcrumb substitute for fried foods like tonkatsu or crumbed fried prawns - what do you think? The one I like best is called Soysage.You mix okara with a little flour (wheat or gluten free)and rolled oats, add soysauce,spices,diced veg (optional), oil and salt.The mixture should be like a moist scone mixture. The oil should be hot enough to sizzle but not too hot. My okara crackers turned out fabulous. okara doughnuts are fantastic .. and you can kid yourself that they're healthier than the normal ones. Keep posting like that for more! This property is what makes the Akara float in the oil and prevent spatter during frying. I've tried making chili or spaghetti sauce with okara instead of or with meat...the results were not too successful...rather fibrous and saw-dusty in texture. Any clues? They use Neurospora instead of Rhizopus. And I mixed some with honey and cinnamon for a tasty addition to toast in the morning. Thank you so much Maki! Amazing - out of such a little bag of beans you get vast quantities of okara and tofu! Okara sushi rolls actually sound rather tasty ^_^. I find it tastes very similar to ricotta cottage cheese. The by-product of turning soy beans into soy milk or tofu is the ground up fibrous part of the bean. I ALWAYS make a badass "Akara" anytime (self-praise I know but I have to hahaha). Mix the first 4 ingredients and add water as you mix till it all sticks together in a nice solid lump -- kinda like pie crust. My husband doesn't like tofu or soya milk, but he LOVES the soya burgers. I've found it takes flavors really well and is useful for texture in mockmeats. Reply. I've been wondering what to do with the okara that I filter out every day. Here comes the (kidding) The best use is just a pot of veg. Okara is actually the ground up hulls and fibre of the soy bean after most of the protein and fat is extracted, in the form of soy milk. Your websites give me so much! you can also put honey or brown sugar. I bet they'd be good with Okara instead of flour. I used the home made soya milk instead of regular milk. This makes the beans swell a little and ensure better bonding between molecules. Easy to make & good to eat - another reason to make tofu at home! I've made Hummus using different kind of beans including Red Kidney beans and Black Turtle beans. Okara is a traditional ingredient used in Korean Kongbijijigae soup (funny word, isn't it). Add the wet mixture to the dry mixture, mixing just until it's combined. Here is a banana-okara quickbread (that is one that's raised with baking powder and eggs instead of yeast) that I adapted from a banana-coconut bread recipe in Bernard Clayton's New Complete Book Of Breads, using toasted okara and brown sugar instead of coconut and white sugar. when it's done and cooled i slice into wheels. var sc_security="9d00c268"; If you do not get it right the first time, try again. Since I do not want to waste the nutritious Okara the cracker recipe would be a great addition to complete the soy milk/tofu journey. I'm going to try toasted okara in a muesli like mix and see how it goes. My local asian market looked at me strange when I asked if they had the coagulant (used every name you gave it here) and this was after I looked at everything myself. I tried the sesame oil and soy sauce addition and found the texture still a bit too granular but liked the taste. Scoop and fry till golden brown. I wasn't surprised it was 'bland' (I don't find it overly so), but expected it would thicken up smoothies nicely, and it does. Grease and flour a loaf pan. Since true fermentation would transform the texture and flavor, that sounds like a great idea. While doing so, I read that the new "healthy diet" food in Japan seems to be okara konnyaku as vegetarian meat. It's not gluten free since it does use regular white flour. You could make akara cookies with stevia, or whatever. Serve Akara with Akamu, Custard, Agidi or Bread. Once the scallions have wilted add about three tablespoons of vinegar (I use white vinegar, but I bet sushi vinegar is better). I've seen soy milk, but don't think I've ever tried it. Which brings up the point that if you DO bake, and DO use sourdough, you might try using a bit of soy milk in your sourdough starter...I wonder if I could use a bit of tofu... Well, I'm off to keep hunting for Sourdough with Bean Water iinformation. i usually buy fresh hot okara at the tofu factory when making KARASHI RENKON. I mixed some fresh okara with dill and dried herbs to spread on crackers or bread. ^^ you use of okara after making soy milk is great as its always such a waste throwing it all out when you can really use the stuff. (the part about dried meat parts also being suitable as chicken feed make me squirm, but okara is good!). It's incredibly tasty. Never had it or used it before but just got a bunch from my Japanese market and am looking forward to experimenting. Thanks for the tofu and okara instructions. Mix together the butter and sugar. Check to make sure the oil is hot. They are like nutmegy banana pancake balls – but so much better. Delighted to have your explicit and very helpful information. When the Akara balls are brown all over, remove and place in a sieve lined with paper towels. 4 T toasted sesame oil you could vaccum-seal the okara, then freeze it. While hot it has a slightly cheese-like texture which was a bit more my liking. Take out of the loaf pan and let cool before slicing. Dipping the spoon a little bit into the oil helps reduce spatter. Q. I continued with making the tofu and is now so happy with the result of the pulp having some solid beans in it. There's also a cute donut shop in Japan that boasts of okara in its goods as a health gimmick (hara donuts). yummy! I am curious as to your experiments into cultured soy? I am interested in making plant based cultured cheeses. The earthworms love it. It's easy and low in carbs (one cup of rice= 43 carbs; one cup of okara= about 15 carbs!). I feed okara to my chickens everyday. I am chasing after that Nobel Prize for Science. You need only 5 ingredients to make Akara: The operators of the heavy duty grinders in Nigerian markets don't even add water when grinding beans for Akara. Then pack it into individual oiled containers and steam in a pressure pot or a closed pot of water. Bash the loaf pan hard on your work surface - this settles the batter and gets rid of any large air pockets. Would like to see comments from others who ferment soy. C made my first ever soy milk; my very first condensed soy milk and my first soy creamer (almond flavour)and they were wonderful. At the moment I'm working on a müesli with toasted okara in it... Technorati Tags: soy bean, okara, Dried okara powder adds an intriguing lightness and texture to baked items. Nice and nutty in the muffins, but didn't make a huge difference to the bread other than make it "high fibre" and presumably healthier. ( Note that i do NOT add salt for health reasons, though they DO taste better with salt !!!). Let cool. i wonder how it would do in calzones and stromboli . Keep watch and when it turns brown, flip it over for the other side to do the same. my mom makes a big batch of tofu every second week and uses the okara as a garden fertilizer. How refreshing to read such relaxed yet such detailed and elegant instructions. Find a homebrew shop, or one online and use brewers gypsum. This would just be reverse order...) (It can't, of course, but you know how these things go.) has a lot of okara recipes posted, along with the note that tempeh starter can be added to the okara, to make okara tempeh. Ensure salt is added just before putting the beans mixture ball into the oil. Check out my blog for pictures and for info on making tofu using lemon juice, My own recipe for Okara Crackers: It was just what I was looking for!!! paul. Un-fermented soy is not healthy, look it up. Very nice. I'll have to have a go. Tom. All in all, if you have a vegan friend and you make your own tofu or soy milk, give them the okara (and some tofu and soymilk.