Then rub the dust from cotton swab over the first bread slice. She predicted it would be the bread we placed in … Children will enjoy working scientifically, developing their observational skills and drawing conclusions, as they investigate mould on bread. The first appearance of evident mold was on 12/27/15. But when the mold spores land on a host, they grow and thrive by feeding off the food they land on. The experiment, “ The Effect of Mold Growth on White and Wheat Bread Air Exposed and Contained” is an experiment that  observers mold growth on white and wheat bread, air exposed and contained in a airtight sandwich bag, for a four week period of time. Signup. We wanted to investigate the importance of washing our hands so we conducted an experiment to see how quickly germs spread. For this experiment there was two slices of each type of bread, (Non-Organic … Apple Bread. Make your own animated videos and animated presentations for free. Molds occur commonly on bread due to the desirable source of nutrients for the mold. But, did you know that mold is also one of nature’s cleansers, that breaks down dead organic materials and recycles these nutrients back to the soil, which makes it essential for the ecosystem? Now, take the remaining two samples. They have an appearance like that of shiny mushrooms which can be seen under the microscope. Feb 19, 2015 - Which bread molds fastest? Make sure you observe the five bread samples every alternate day at a fixed time of the day, say 2 pm. With DoughLab (or the equivalent components from the store), you can design your own delicious bread experiments and learn about yeast! This was a fair test because each of the bread pieces had equal time to grow. I chose the best variable to measure. The dependent variable was the amount of mold that grown on the bread. Our site includes quite a bit of content, so if you're having an issue finding what you're looking for, go on ahead and use that search feature there! Seek permission from your parents and teacher before you start with the experiment. Types of bread with high moisture content like rye, oat, Boston and other dark breads mold … The bread slices that were air exposed twisted and weren’t flat, making it hard to draw the out line, later to find the cubic area. Here is a diagram of bread mold in detail. A lemon battery experiment involves the use of a juicy lemon, copper coin and zinc nail to form a lemon battery. 12/31/15: Wheat Bread began to show slight mold. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. This is many times studied in school with a simple experiment. After drawing conclusions about the effect of light and temperature on bread mold growth, students will be able to knowingly complete an experiment evaluation on Backpack answering the questions: What were the independent variables of this experiment? I would also add another condition. We hope you are enjoying ScienceStruck! Activity. When four such lemon batteries are combined, they produce…, Simple and compound interests are closely related to banking system, and they are the most basic maths we learn during our school classes. A constant that was not accounted for was leaving a slice of white and wheat bread out and air exposed, but sprayed with water everyday. No mold had been found on Wheat or Whole Grain as of then. Also, after you are done noting down the results of the experiment, dispose off the bags containing moldy bread safely, without opening them. You can note down their physical appearance like color, shape, amount of growth per day, texture, etc. The purpose of this experiment will be to determine how temperature affects the growth of mold on wheat bread. For example, on the fourth bread sample you can add some salt, while on the fifth you can add 2 tablespoons of water. So, gather the equipment necessary for the experiment, perform the experiment, note down the observations every alternate day, and draw the appropriate conclusion. Bread Mold Experiment Mold is something that we often take for granted, as something that makes us have to throw the bread away or the cheese smell bad. Did you know that mold is added to flavor certain cheeses? Bibliography. If you want, you can take videos or pictures of the mold every alternate day. The pictures show what happened in the experiment. Bread mold experiment I think the mold will grow naturally on the bread with water sprinkled because molds do not contain chlorophyll unlike the other normal green plants and mold needs moisture, dark place to be able to germinate and it is really hard for mold to grow on a dry surface such as normal bread as it does not contain moisture. You can try growing mold on different types of breads, while maintaining the same temperature. Plastic cup 3. Conclusion If white bread's freshness is affected by salt, darkness, humidity, cold temperature, or light, dry environments, then the humid environment will cause mold to grow the fastest because it is a nourishing environment where spores can develop.