It can be argued — and has been — that ritual worship or the worship of deities is not essential to spiritual practice. They also noticed that the same archetype of the Dark Cosmic Goddess as the great Creatrix of not only humans but also the Resurrecrtrix of gods has been told repeatedly in all spiritual traditions. The Buddhists like to say that there have been so many incarnations of every being in every conceivable situation and circumstance, that in the countless eons of time, every one of us has been a mother to every other one of us. Chanting, japa, or repeating mantras in ritualistic worship are not things that appeal to everyone. She is causality and Karma. The 22nd of July is the Feast of Mary Magdalene and, if you don’t mind, I would like to indulge in some unorthodox and esoteric investigation about the ‘other goddess’. The Celtic Goddess Brigid is a classic example of a triple Goddess. Well, to start with, in all cases the goddess was referred to as ‘dark’. Starbird was puzzled by, She also discovered the ancient ritual of, More recently, some researchers, with Starbird the most famous, have pointed to, Explorers, Writers, and Other Creative Strangers, Nomadic Tendencies: a History of Wanderlust. They're young, naive, and need to learn the hard way. She is the Supreme Self, the only self, and my true self — the “me” which manifests as personality in the world. Our biological makeup is designed to interact with a mother, even while still in the womb. That manifestation IS God, IS the Goddess. That's the story of the Child. Feb. 3, 2021. She was a wonderfully exotic looking black woman with waist-length hair wearing middle-eastern clothing, heavily jeweled and formidable looking. In her famous book, The Woman with the Alabaster Jar, Starbird argues that Mary Magdalene was not named so because she came from the town of Magdala but rather her name was originally Mary Magdalen (Magdaler in Hebrew scripture means the ‘Tower’ or the ‘Daughter of Jerusalem’). This is why you can see the entire manifest universe in the form of a bewitching black woman dancing in the vast shopping mall of the universe. A Kali in Every Woman - Motherhood and the Dark Goddess Archetype : This article tries to unravel the mysteries entwined with Goddess Kali - popularly described as the Goddess of Evil by those who are not familiar with this dark fierce Goddess. In all spiritual traditions, God is made manifest in some way that is accessible to human emotion and human experience. If you are particularly attached to one of the traditional stories about Mary Magdalene or the story of a goddess or the divine feminine – please be aware that I am going to go to some alternative and strange territories for the sake of curiosity and investigating possible truths. , the divine Mother, we should find her sacred presence everywhere. Dr Joanna Kujawa It has a renewed resonance in new age circles, invoking. Mother is best experienced directly, not through concepts and ideas. Real mothers can have problems with parenting. My hope — or my prayer, if you like — is that in surrendering my own illusion of individual self, I will be enacting God’s will: my submission to the Will of the embodied universe. Kali is the timeless awareness out of which Time arises. Parvati can be thought of as the force of, , the manifested universe of name and form. The fascination with Mary Magdalene, on the other hand, is nothing more than the search for her true story, whatever it might be, in the Western tradition. Gururaj would sometimes talk about Vivekananda, and even once claimed to be an embodiment or reincarnation of Vivekananda. The original sun is attributeless Reality, nirguna brahman, boundless awareness alone. Personally, I like to experience the spiritual reality as a feminine presence, as Devi, especially in two forms: as Mother Kali and as Tara, the liberator and protector. Five strategies to maximize your sales kickoff This blog, however, intends to look at some of the more alternative ‘explanations’. The Dark Goddess As Archetype Introduction The Dark Goddess is often called Baphomet, who is described, according to the aural tradition of the Order of Nine Angles, as: a sinister female entity, The Mistress (or Mother) of Blood. She destroys all dangers, especially those psychic dangers of fear, doubt, and ignorance. This I what I experience as Kali or the divine Mother: the universal expression of wisdom, energy, ecstasy, and knowledge. It doesn’t sound especially positive or “life-affirming.” But who are we to affirm life — or anything else, for that matter? This truth is timeless and sacred – and it may not be confined to just this life. The Goddess Siren uses her illusiveness in order to attract and appeal to men, with men succumbing to a sense of wanting what they cannot have. The Tibetan Buddhists call it the Dharmakaya in its formless aspect, the Sambhogakaya in its power to be aware, and the Nirmanakaya in its manifest or expressed form. Archetypes of femininity according to Jung. Devi is a metaphysical reality. When our relationship with a mother is damaged or incomplete, we may feel damaged or incomplete as human beings. What would humanity be without language, sagas and songs, architecture, and mythologies? As such, she is the ultimate reality: another way of experiencing the Lord Shiva. This inner voice, or inner guru as it is sometimes called, is a tricky thing. Parvati can be thought of as the force of Prakriti, the manifested universe of name and form. We are all linked in a most intimate and interdependent way. Above all, she fed us and kept us warm. She also holds the severed head of a male demon that has had the temerity to challenge her. I do my spiritual practices every day, without fail, as an expression of my devotion and love. That was not introduced until much later versions which repeated the Sumerian story but made the snake the tempter and the life-giving Goddess into a not-so-bright Eve. I could not agree more and I love Joseph Campbell. This said, shortcomings in real mothering are not necessarily relevant to a meditation on mothering itself. “My Mother is the principle of consciousness. I post a blog once a month as I do a through research. I get shivers when I read that poem. She is without personality, and She is the supreme personality — the only personality, the universal “I.” Not surprisingly, she enjoys herself. God alone acts. ABOUT THE AUTHOR, JEFFRY CARR: Jeffrey Carr has been active with meditation and spiritual practice for over forty years. They also noticed that this link was present in ancient traditions but had been edited out then reinterpreted when misogyny was prevalent in Biblical times. Beyond divinities and symbolism, Mother consists of this mysterious union of existence, consciousness, and ineffable joy that the Advaita philosophy calls Sat Chit Ananda.