2 tablets, 3x a day, every day! Or should I discontinue? Zinc Also known as: Prozac, Sarafem, Selfemra Fluoxetine has an average rating of 7.4 out of 10 from a total of 1,747 ratings on Drugs.com. Hi Laura. SInéad, Lara, I’ve been taking peony and licorice and just got a positive pregnancy test yesterday. Recent Product Reviews. Melatonin did well in a couple of clinical trials for PCOS and androgenetic alopecia. because their are so many kinds? I think I have seen a study of topical zinc but now I can’t find it. The labs in my area offer RIA, EIA as well as the option to calculate it using Total Testosterone, SHBG and Albumin. Are there any side effects of taking zinc? !… have low blood sugar (Hypoglycemia)….I am so confused and upset…I’ve been taking magnesium like you said and I love it…….cut out sugar dairy and wheat only gluten free….when I told my Dr.about gluten free he told me it’s bad and causes more insulin….I don’t know what to do now p.s….was on metformin to lower high blood insulin……but had to stop it was causing me stomach problems……Lara I love your site and would love any input you can give me….also I will try Dim…..hope this isn’t TMI….thanks so much for all your info…..Sandra, p.s…..I forgot to mention Dr.said Hi blood insulin causes male hormones which in turn causes hair loss…..Sandra. I’ve gotten them some how under control, but now that I’m 6 weeks their coming back. Do you recommend a specific brand of peony & licorice? Tgank you. Hello Laura! But I sometimes give zinc citrate capsule or liquid zinc. Now the only solution she suggested was the pill, which I don’t want to take for several reasons. Specifically with facial hair? I need to do something asap but am nervous about taking medication. D-Chiro-Inositol 600mg 2x/day Thank you once again. I am officially declared PCOS free by my GP.Thank you so much Lara. I’ve also been taking zinc and mag. I want to find a natural remedy that works for me. There are amino acids in protein that lower blood sugar which is why even diabetes associations advice a 2:1 ratio of carbs to protein. (- a woman with adrenal PCOS symptoms), Hi Lara how do I know whether my excess hair on face and buttock is androgen related or genetic? Thank you. Also is there anything I can do to minimize unwanted body hair ( for her). So my question what is the best solution of supplements for me to use ?? I was very lost before I found your book. Also, I have never advocated a strict low-carb diet. These are the supplements that I am taking: Multivitamin My estradiol e2 was 208 pg/ml and I have no idea about my progesterone. I see pure encapsulations makes a 100mg DIM. I finally found a wonderful doctor who promotes natural remedies instead of medication. Are peony & licorice teas strong enough if i have several tablespoons boiled up a day or do I need to buy them in extract form? Do you have any recommendations/advice to give me? NCAH accounts for up to 9 percent of cases of androgen excess and is often misdiagnosed as PCOS. Ever been stumped at a party, bar or even in the street for what to say? Can you help me? I’m considering stopping the birth control pill but I am worried about acne. The ultimate guide to being a man that EVERY woman craves. I’m definitely going to try the Zinc and Magnesium. From time to time, the PUA Training team review products that are geared towards men, these are honest and unbiased reviews. I was wondering if continuing with myo inositol is recommended during progesterone therapy? These are guides that aren't directly related to dating tips, getting a girlfriend or seducing women. Does Vitex all the time raise LH, even though you re in menopause where you already have high LH? are you certain you don’t have PCOS? Thank you! Thank you for your help! The saliva progesterone was normal at 53 and the progesterone from bloodwork was .27. I have never been on the pill. What should I make of this? I have extreme and rapid hair loss. My experience is that yes, any of the herbs that stimulate the HPO (hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian) axis can potentially worsen migraines. My question is do I continue with the supplements I have been taking for the last 3 1/2 months or do I switch to a prenatal vitamin? I’ve bought the bottle now but am unsure how much to take. I and every female in my family (started cycles early and had to have a hysterectomy by 40) need your book! I do have high DHT, but it was not included on this lab report. What ratio or mg of Licorice and Peony do you suggest? Can i take Vitex and Peony & Licorice at the same time? I took vitex for 6-8 months and have been taking saw palmetto for 8 months too. It’s very informative and interesting. Hey Lara, if you have a short luteal phase (only 9 days), ovulate late in the cycle (around day 18), and have hirsutism (slim PCOS) as well as endometriosis, could you take peony and licorice as well as Vitex? Hello, thank you very much for this informative post. What would you recommend? So make sure you read everything in these guides and then go out and apply the knowledge. Is it also fine to take Magnesium without Calcium and just get the Calcium from food? Try all of them? Are there any supplements that increase aromatase? What about topical treatments for hirsutism? I have extreme shedding of my hair….my Dr. said I have high blood insulin causing hair loss and dark stubs growing on my legs…….No Diabetis,! I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 16 and I was put on the pill. He discusses the question of dose (ie. Hi Dr Briden, I am curious what is considered to be elevated prolactin. Tests at the time showed I did not suffer from insulin resistance and my testorone levels were not extremely high, which makes me believe I suffer from hypersensitivity. I get very very oily hair within 12 hours of washing and my hair is thinning mainly through the top, I get acne, put on weight around my middle and have heavy periods. Sarah, DIM caused cystic acne and I’m in my 60’s. I would like to try cyclic progesterone therapy for 3 months. For the man who needs that extra kick in the bedroom. I will check with my doctor and orthodontist also. Could you help me with some natural treatment? Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated, as zinc seems so useful to lower androgen and prevent acne. I don’t have cholesterol or diabetes…I do have very irregular cycles and hirsutism…one doctor says do nothing the other wants to give anti androgen tablet and Diane 35 but I am reluctant to. If you do have insulin resistance, you DON’T need to be low-carb. Thank you. I am female, 48 years old. You’ve said DIM can lower estrogen so perhaps that’s why it caused pain. Hi Lara, can any of these be used safely for a pre teen or teenager? I am a 59 years old and Post Menopause. According to the reference range, this is normal and within range which is listed as anywhere from 2-19.6. Vitex Catex? TSH was 3.2. Is it a brand problem or that DIM is not for me? In three months time, I stated ovulating with regualar periods, every 33 days and my blood test came normal on all counts. My thougts on most medicine and maaany doctors who “treated” me, are actually based on masculine medicine to treat us like “erratic male biologies” with patches (with hundreds of side effects). I am trying hard to fix my skin, so just on an organic meat and vegetable diet with quinoa and nuts- no gluten, dairy, processed food, soy, vegetable oils (just olive and coconut), rare alcohol or corn for 6 months, off fruit for the last month (it’s awful and not helping), didn’t eat eggs for 3 months, eaten them for the past month and acne seems worse. Have you had your zinc levels checked? Having the knowledge is one thing, but using it in the real world is quite another if you want success with women. Have any of these been looked at? I started Zinc gluconate (30mg daily) for high T and PCOS with high hopes. Not sure about fsh/lh ratio. Any idea why this would happen? Especially on my forehead and crown, I notice a heavy loss. Do you have a natural safe progesterone or herbs that can be taken together to get the same results as what’s in progesterone? Zinc shouldn’t cause irregular bleeding but it CAN interfere with the absorption of your thyroid medication (which could then affect your period). Excuse any errors, I’m Italian. For info, I used Thorne zinc picolinate 15mg (which apparently is 136% of Daily Value) and I also tried another liquid version with one cap providing only 15% of RDA (and only took one cap per day) and still had stomach pains. Hi Amy, I just read this and I have exactly the same problem. No gimmicks, tricks or sleezy behaviour. What about reducing the other Androgens such as DHEAS and DHEA rather than Testosterone? Will these improve with natural treatments? Greetings from Italy. everything that you’re reading is written for men! But they're still worth a read as they will help you along your journey to being a better man. I’ve read a study where red reishi in particular was found to be an effective anti-androgen and I’m curious. Dr. Briden, I see that you propose using a 0.1% solution of topical melatonin for hair loss (in your book), but don’t name any particular brand. Desperate for answers and help! Most often I prescribe zinc and peony and licorice. What do you think about testoquench for hirsutism and acne? But you have to take many tablets a day. It increases T and DHT, here’s just a few links: https://www.anabolicmen.com/zinc-testosterone/ , https://www.increase-testosterone.info/zinc-and-testosterone-is-zinc-the-ultimate-testosterone-booster/. I hope Lara can provide some help on lowering androstenedione and what can cause it to be high when all other levels seem normal, there is such limited information about it online. Hello, Thank you for your article! I am confused bc the last doctor said this is prediabetic but the doctors before that and the dermatologist I was just referred to for the androgenic alopecia said that my bloodwork is all normal and that I am not prediabetic or insulin resistant. My thyroid panel was normal. I can take a tablet for two days and be fine, but by the third day the stomach spasms start. Or is it just supposed to be like this. Are you undereating? Prolactin: 7 ng/mL I have a beard, chest hair and snail trail worse than my partner. The power of the tongue cannot be denied. or have you come off a pill in the last 12 months? We leverage cloud and hybrid datacenters, giving you the speed and security of nearby VPN services, and the ability to leverage services provided in a remote location. I’m also on Vitex for my short luteal phases. Today, May 28, 2017, I took a pregnancy test and it is positive. What brand do you use? All but the hair loss has gotten significantly worse. Together, the two herbs have the synergistic effect of normalizing pituitary hormones. After taking an anti-androgen supplement for a while and the androgens lower, will my period come back on it’s own/regularly? It’s just not strong as medication. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28558523. You can unsubscribe at anytime. If you were my patient, I would test for “insulin resistance” with “fasting insulin” or “glucose tolerance test with insulin”. It would be amazing to learn that one exists. I tried DIM too but it caused pelvic pain so I had to stop. One final thought might be to check your prolactin because high prolactin causes hirsutism. Her Testosterone and free testosterone were high. Zinc helps to normalise health and so it can reduce the abnormal situation of excess testosterone in women. If your blood sugar is too low you release adrenaline which mobilizes glucose from the liver. Going by my Fasting insulin levels and the symptoms of hirsutism, acne and hairloss could I still be suffering from insulin resistance PCOS despite the androgen levels being within range? I have gotten immediate nausea when taking it either before, during, or right after a meal, especially if it’s breakfast and it’s the first food I’m ingesting. I don’t think you understand the role of sugar in the body. Many thanks for this information. And why is it common to be associated with that? Has your doctor ruled out a condition called nonclassic congenital adrenal hyperplasia (NCAH)? I actually got my zinc levels tested and the results came back today. Thank you! Hi I was diagnosed with pcos because of my irregular periods years ago. Low carb, keto, and a generally healthy diet has never significantly reduced or helped with my symptoms in years. My old gyno just got rid of all of my records so he doesnt have old blood tests but I used to be on a Natures-Thiro Medication and progesterone cream when I was off BC. The problem I’m having, however, is that I tried to take zinc but it gives me really bad stomach aches. I have your book and believe I have HA due to restrictive eating. Facial hair or hirsutism is one of the most frustrating symptoms of PCOS and the slowest to improve. I was already getting regular periods after starting T3 treatment for a year prior (34 yrs old). Hello Lara, Thanks for the extensive info on PCOS. I have more testosterone levels so do i need to take DIM or DHT block ? Hello.i read your article and i wonder if u could help me,feels like u know what u are talking about.I have been on drug called spironolactone for few years as hairloss plus gaining hair in unwanted places,problem with skin.My gp sent me to endocrine doctor who very quickly told me that i do not have too much testosterone and i do not have polycystic overies (he told me that only by looking into my blood)and i am too sensitive to any trstosterone beeing in my body.I was put inmplant in with progesterone before i started spironolactone as danger if pregnant.It did help my skin and stoped my hair groving so fast in unwanted places,but i had still hairloss.Few months ago i started eating reihi as experiment but my skin went very very dry so i cut only to 2 pills a day.My skin on my back and decolde is very bad,i do get fast hairy where i dont want ,hairloss still there.I am hopeless what should i do,what test i should ask qp to do….after so many years i just dont know …i be very greatfull for answer. I’ve just joined the gym and that seamed to have brought the “period” on ! I am trying to half my dose for now as I see a lot of improvements in skin and eyesight with the Zn which I want to continue. It’s sucrose. Information. Two months after adding the spearmint and DIM, I’m already starting to see some slowing of the hair growth, however my acne has flared back up, and I’m now experiencing month-round breast pain, which was never a problem before. I dont eat too much dairy, I do have black tea with milk afew times each day. I do ovulate regularly and my cycle stays pretty consistent. Please advise if you think that taking zinc and saw palmetto will stop the hair miniaturization and regrow my hair. Also, I’m allergic to fructose so I was wondering if peony and licorice would be okay to take? So what is good to take to get rid of facial hair?? I’ve read 2 cups per day? I’m writting about hirsutism and high levels of testosterone. Or should I eat zinc-rich foods instead? I’ve ruled out a lot of other things. Dealing with all issues related to high androgrens such as hair loss, unwanted hair growth, and acne. Do you take the Reishi mushroom in a pill form? I am also on Hydrocortisone for adrenals and I feel awesome! Prediabetic with androgenic alopecia sounds a lot like insulin resistant PCOS. How much would you recommend we take (if it’s guided by the appropriate medical professionals) of Licorice, Peony, Reishi Mushrooms, Vitex, Saw Palmetto, and Progesterone? Testosterone, free was .07. I know these supplements have helped me to get to this point and I want to be careful and cautious of any sudden changes. I stop taking AC the other day as a little worried about being soo late. Hgb A1c: 5.7% Any thoughts? In fact, a low-carb diet almost always causes hair loss. Estradiol was 5, Testosterone free and total was 7.7. Fish Oil I read the Period Repair Manual about 6 weeks ago and have now had 2 successful periods and clear signs of ovulation. ln this year I only had 2 anovulatory cycles (110 days and 190 days). No gynecologist or PCP will diagnose me with PCOS. I’ll miss my sex drive though. I uderstand if this is not good, vitex is also not an option? She has bad hirsuitism throughout her body and has had only one period in March. Thanks for the info! I’m wondering if any of your patients with migraines have had problems taking the peony/licorice combination? I would really appreciate your advise. I have a doubt. A large amount of fructose is a major contributor to insulin resistance as discussed in this 2017 paper: High Dietary Fructose: Direct or Indirect Dangerous Factors Disturbing Tissue and Organ Functions. What about LH being much higher than FSH (14 ui/l, 3 ui/l)? According to their range, it doesn’t look too bad: 655 ug/l and 10 umol/l (although it’s not a u but a funny looking Greek sign!). Please let me know what you recommend to regrow my hair and reverse the PCOS, if that is what this is. Any advice most appreciated. Despite Pcos, I’m lean! Hey how are you Lara? I have problems with excess body and facial hair which I have had treated with electrolysis and some laser treatment over many years. Fatima. February 1, 2017 I found your book, read it right away and bought supplements for insulin resistance PCOS. If blood pressure goes up with licorice, then I usually do not recommend licorice anymore for that patient. High androstenedione with all other hormone levels normal. All tests came back normal except for Androstenedione which was very high. So I dont know if this was a problem of absorption or something else caused by the Zn.